Warrior Wisdom

Warrior Wisdom - from Dr. Yurij

Warrior Wisdom

Dr. Yurij provides weekly coaching messages to help you live out your God given purpose.

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  • Jun25Wed

    Team 1on1 Meetings - Be The Leader

    June 25, 2014
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom

    As promised last week, today I am going to discuss one on one meetings.  These meetings are designed to review different aspects of your practice with the teammates that are primarily involved and responsible for those areas.

    For example: the In CA is responsible for missed, rescheduled, and cancelled appointments.  The Out CA is responsible for schedules and payments.  Administrative CAs have the responsibility of managing all reports, paying bills, payroll, accounts receivables, etc.  Tech CAs need to take some responsibility for conversion rates and compliance to exercise protocols.  Some of you also have CAs responsible for insurance, and others have outreach CAs.  As you can see, there are many critical moving pieces that need to be managed and led properly.  Without delineating responsibility and holding people accountable to desired outcomes, it is impossible to be a good leader for your team and a good steward of your resources.

    First things first.  You and your team cannot do this through memory management.

    Every task, responsibility, project and action step needs to be written down.  If it’s not written down, it will cause stress and it will not get done.  Projects are always sabotaged because someone was given a task to perform and the first step was taken but there was no follow-through.  Follow-through is the key to success.

    The next step after the first step is critical.  How many times have you assigned tasks and with good intentions things were started.  Four weeks later, the project is off the rails because someone didn’t take a next step.  If it is not written down, and if someone is not assigned responsibility, and if there is no follow-up scheduled to see if it is being done, it won’t happen.  It’s not intentional; it’s human nature.  Life happens, things get busy, and projects and procedures get dropped.  Often we think our teams are not competent when in fact they are high-capacity, but they are overwhelmed because they are not organized.  They need help to create a plan.

    Everyone on your team should be using a Warrior Way 90 day to manage their general responsibilities and projects.  They should have a general list of projects that they are responsible for and next steps that are necessary.

    At least once a month you need to have a one on one meeting with each of your team mates.  Some, like your admin CA, you should meet with weekly to review stats and collections, while others would be less often.  They should each have a list of things that they need to prepare for the meeting.

    Here is a general summary of what should be prepared.  Depending on the size and complexity of your practice, this list can vary quite a bit.  For demonstration purposes, I will review an example practice that is adjusting 450 patients per week and has 3 CAs: In/admin, Out/outreach and tech.  Here is what each should bring to the one on one meeting.  All should have their Warrior Way 90 Day as a starter.

    In/Admin: Weekly statistics from the previous week and at month end for the month.  These stats should include: PV, collections, PVA, and PUC.  They should also have their Warrior Way 90 Day showing progress on any projects that they were assigned.

    Out/Outreach CA: Percent missed, rescheduled, and cancelled appointments.  Report on status of outreach projects and next steps for the coming weeks.

    Tech CA: Report on any patients that they feel need extra TLC based on conversations during the progressive exams.  Report on patients’ follow-through on exercise protocols.

    As you can see, having these one on one meetings in addition to your weekly team meeting greatly enhances your ability to lead and properly steward your practice.  There are any number of other parameters that you may want to measure.  Feel free to add them as needed. The main principle is that you are keeping people accountable for their responsibilities.  This will greatly enhance your ability to serve more people and will reduce everyone’s stress levels, including your own!  Happy people make for a happy, busy practice.  Knowing areas of responsibility and understanding how to stay organized, and being able to follow-through, creates happy team mates.  This is so critical in so many ways.  Happy team, happy doctor, happy patients, equals more lives saved.

    Happy, happy, happy!




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