One God
In my morning meditation I am reminded that in all my worries, setbacks, failures, and perceived or real persecutions, I am first off in good company and secondly that good company is the answer to all my anxieties and fears. The Creator is in control of the created. No matter what I am going through, God will use all these things for good. ALL THESE THINGS. Not one or two but all these things. When I am in it, it is hard to see through, but if I persevere I will see God’s hand working. All my questions have but one answer. That answer is a person- Jesus.
One Love
To love and to lose is the most difficult of emotions. It is the most painful of situations to have risked it all and given your heart to another and to lose them or not receive love back. Again, we search for answers but the answer lies in the only One that can restore our hearts and free us to live to risk in love again.
The answer is Jesus because He is love and His love endures forever.
One Purpose
There is no greater sense of accomplishment, achievement, or satisfaction in the hard work that we do than when we are doing what we know God has called us to do. No greater joy than when we band together and move united in a direction that God has called us to. When we are lost and have drifted from our purpose, the Giver of Purpose and Calling is the answer. The answer is Jesus.
One Principle
All things happen from Above Down Inside Out. Inspiration and revelation come from the heavens, and work-through Jesus to us. The Spirit of Jesus (the Holy Spirit) transforms us so that we can carry His shining light within us. We cannot be the light we can only receive the light from above and let it shine through us as clean empty vessels. What is the one thing that can cloud us up and make us unclean on the inside? EGO. Who is the one Person that can clean up the ego and replace it with humility and thanksgiving? Jesus.
One Habit
We all have habits that we aren't happy about. When we are alone with ourselves they cause us shame, fear and anxiety. They are often inherited from our family lineage. Things we grew up with and that we swore would end with us but we are incapable of breaking free of. We seem powerless and stuck in repeating unwanted toxic and damaging behaviour. Where do we find the power to overcome those old habits that we so desperately want to leave behind? How do we find the strength and perseverance to replace those bad habits with new empowering ones? The answer is a person: Jesus.
What do we do next?
What can we do today so we stand on principle, act on purpose, risk in love and surrender to Jesus?
Reflect on what God wants you to do in the following time lines: 1 year, 5 year and 10 years out.
In light of the big picture of where God wants you to go, what is the one thing that you can do today that will make the biggest impact in achieving your goals in the present and in the future?
Do that one thing today.
Set aside 2 to 4 hours today in quiet solitude and begin to shape your future. Tomorrow, rinse and repeat. Allow yourself the time and discipline to become a master of the one thing that God has called you to. Do not get distracted. Do not do other things.
Focus on the one thing and the One person that can do all things. Partner with Him to achieve what you have been called to do.
What is your one thing? Spend the time to listen and hear, and once you know, obey.
Coach Yurij
Chain Breaker
On Wednesday, March 22, 2017, Coach Yurij said:
On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, Angela Barrow said:
On Monday, March 20, 2017, Stephen Lippitt said:
On Saturday, March 18, 2017, Kim Crickmay said:
On Friday, March 17, 2017, Brad said:
On Friday, March 17, 2017, David Yoo said:
On Thursday, March 16, 2017, Mark Foullong said:
On Thursday, March 16, 2017, Clarise Chan said:
On Thursday, March 16, 2017, David Covey said:
On Thursday, March 16, 2017, Leo said:
On Thursday, March 16, 2017, Joe hong said:
On Thursday, March 16, 2017, Martin said:
That is an amazing post.
On Thursday, March 16, 2017, Yves said:
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