Goal setting can be like that first run on a snow day.
You are at the top of a mountain with fresh snow and all this new potential. Just minutes ago you were certain that this is what you wanted to do.
You planned the whole thing in great detail. You checked the weather patterns and confirmed the snow fall.
You got up early and registered to be on the first gondola to the top.
Once at the top you snapped on the skis, adjusted your helmet and put down your goggles.
You are super
stoked about the fresh tracks. You are
certain that this is what you wanted to do.
But then a little doubt creeps in. Where did the doubt come from?
Wherever there is a call to adventure, fear and doubt are just around the corner.
Adventure YELLS LOUDER than the fear so in spite of the butterflies and the accelerated heart rate you push off, pupils dilated, knees a little wobbly, and the run of your life begins.
Goal setting can create that same sympathetic response of fear and doubt.
You went to the seminar. You got inspired. You thought you were tracking with God in the goals you were committing to.
You even went so far as to count the cost and set some action steps.
To your surprise when you got home and were alone, that first action step elicited fear and doubt.
Here is what you have to do:
With fear in your heart and doubt in your brain you have to push off and do it anyway.
Here's why; your life depends on it!
Are you going to waste one more minute succumbed to fear or are you going to step up and live and go for your God given goal??
Still some paralysis? Then there is one last thing your brain is asking and needs clarity on before you will really be able to go for your goals.
Your brain is asking: Is this a goal that God wants me to shoot for?
Or is this a goal that is simply an idea that my friends, colleagues, society, advertising, or the world put into my brain?
How do I know if it's me or if it's God?
The answer lies in John 15.
IF I'm grafted in and abiding and operating out of God's strength and not my own, then chances are I am seeing what He is showing me and it is something He wants me to achieve.
If I'm empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit and am sold out to share God's love, then chances are my goals will line up with God's goals for my life.
That is the final certainty that we need as we set out to achieve our goals.
If we know that our goals line up with His goals, then our head and heart align, courage is built in, and down the mountain we go.
There will be obstacles, there will be face plants, there will be frustration.
AND, in spite of all of the above, there will be great JOY!!
We are grafted into the Vine. Therefore in the midst of the struggle, the rejection, the ridicule and the pain, there will be great joy because the fruit we produce at the end will be the juiciest, sweetest, most delicious fruit we have ever produced because it is a product of God's love.
You are a goal seeking, goal achieving being.
You are God's love mysteriously encapsulated in human flesh.
That's you, an unstoppable force for good!
That is goal setting in God's will.
Enjoy the wild ride.
On Friday, February 12, 2016, Paul Groulx said:
On Monday, February 8, 2016, Leo Quan said:
It really helps to do that, and I'm finally making contact with 3 potential restaurants and seeking out more.
Thx Yurij
On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, Denise Daigneault said:
On Monday, February 1, 2016, Clarise Chan said:
On Monday, February 1, 2016, Mark Foullong said:
On Monday, February 1, 2016, Yurij Chewpa said:
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