Radical is crazy's older brother or sister. They kind of go hand in hand.
Unfortunately, the word radical has been hijacked and is now almost exclusively related to something evil. What about radical love or dangerous for good? Where has that gone?
Here's an observation.
The more you submit to radical love the bigger you will go in every aspect of your life.
Radical love is not easy in the world that we live in. We drive to the office and perform our duties as laid out in our job description, and then drive home into our garage, close the door and don't reemerge until the next morning... And repeat.
For radical love to work,
we need to be willing to be interrupted.
We have to be focused on relationships.
Obviously love is relational to it's very core. It is our deepest desire to experience radical love, to give it and to receive it. Sharing love outside of our home and family is where love really gets radical.
Sharing love and following God's lead in the marketplace is unexpected.
All the buzz in the business community is about having a big WHY. What WHY is bigger than sharing some love?
How do we do that? How do we balance between being scheduled out and having everything nice and neat in our WarriorWay90Day, and making time for others and allowing God to interrupt our day?
Here is a suggestion. STOP what you are doing right now and fling open the curtains on the world. Commit to letting God interrupt your plans whenever He feels like it.
Embrace the fact that this could be the most exciting adventurous day of your life!
There is only now. Yesterday is done, tomorrow is not guaranteed, so why not follow God's lead?
Why not ask the question or make a suggestion or give someone a hug?
Most of the time the only thing that is stopping you from radical love is worrying about how it will be received. What will people think?
Do you want to spend the rest of your days in the prison of other people's opinions of you? Or do you want to be free to radically share God's love and explode your life?
(Probably shouldn't put radical and explode in the same sentence as homeland security will be checking out my blogs. Hugs are better than hand grenades.)
It's up to you.
Coach Yurij
On Thursday, May 26, 2016, Denise said:
On Thursday, May 26, 2016, Craig Cocek said:
On Thursday, May 26, 2016, David Covey said:
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