Warrior Wisdom

Warrior Wisdom - from Dr. Yurij

Warrior Wisdom

Dr. Yurij provides weekly coaching messages to help you live out your God given purpose.

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    Freedom vs Surrender

    March 18, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom


    In actuality freedom is not the opposite, or in tension with, surrender. They are in essence one and the same.

    Total surrender brings complete freedom.

    The same question surfaces again; surrender to what, to whom?

    Great question isn't it?

    If the idea of surrender sounds intriguing, or perhaps holds a promise of some freedom, let's look first at what hasn't worked.

    We know through historical observation that surrender to our lusts and desires doesn't bring about freedom.

    In fact the opposite is true. The more opportunity we have to pursue fleshly desires, the more bondage is created.  

    Instead of the freedom they promise, we become enslaved to our desires.

    The more we get, the worse it becomes.

    Some of the richest, most famous and most powerful people become the most corrupt and morally bankrupt, and are so disillusioned with their lives that they choose to end them.  Isn't that crazy? Those that have achieved a level of success that so many others desire are the most miserable.

    The climb up the mountain of power only leads to a greater fall.

    The Bible tells us that to have complete freedom we must have total surrender.

    Galatians 2:20 says 'My old self has been crucified with Christ.  It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.' NLT

    Surrender is a step by step, moment to moment daily surrender to our desires in exchange for God's desires. 

    I experienced this as I was going through my cancer diagnosis and the lead up to my surgery. I experienced times of fear, frustration, anger, sadness; you name it, I lived it.

    I was in bondage. Until I surrendered the process to Christ, peace was elusive. But once I was able to get over myself and acknowledge that God was in control, I experienced freedom.

    I found freedom once I surrendered to Christ in me.

    It wasn't easy.  I ultimately determined that I had a choice to make.

     had to choose one of two four letter words. Fear or Free. Which was it going to be?

    In my own strength, un-surrendered, I fell back to fear.
    Oh I could muster up some courage for a period of time but then the vail of fear would come down. But when I was actively surrendered to Christ I was free.

    What does that look like practically?

    Here is what I wrote down in my journal this morning.  It's a second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, 24 hour per day commitment to talk to God, listen to God and obey God.

    God what do you want me to do? What do you want me to say?  Where do you want me to go?

    It's one focus. Not volume, not money, not a long life, not performance, not family.

    One focus: God's love.

    With one focus my master takes care of everything. 

    That is freedom. Surrender everything because God sacrificed everything for me.
    John 3:16 "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." NLT

    Is it time to start laying down your own agenda?  Is it time to surrender and be set free?

    It is a step by step process.
    Take one step today away from bondage and towards freedom. Do one small thing to put a boundary on your desires. Surrender one thing to God and you will at the same time take one big step towards intimacy with God and freedom for yourself.

    What is that one step for you? No matter how small, commit to taking that one step today.

    Coach Yurij


    On Friday, October 14, 2016, Lynnette said:

    Thank you for sharing your awesome web site. http://tinyurl.com/jjl3tn9


    On Tuesday, April 5, 2016, Coach Yurij said:

    Great insights everyone.

    One thing that I would like to add.

    The moment to moment surrender to Christ takes training. Our old patterns of behaviour and thinking continue to exist and are in fact neurologically ingrained in our brains. We have to train to change our focus. When I'm stuck in stinking thinking, worry or having a pity party I use a few different strategies to train my brain to change my focus.

    1. Breathing. Focus on 'breathing in' the Holy Spirit and letting that breath transform me from the inside out.
    2. What I see. Focus on the colour purple. I see it as the royal colour of Jesus.
    3. Love. Focus on how much I am loved by Jesus as revealed by the story of my redemption.
    4. Prayer. Interceding for others takes the focus off of me.


    On Tuesday, April 5, 2016, Brad P said:

    Yurij, I have been struggling with this for the past 2 weeks. I've been feeling unmotivated and my default is to go back to a checking out and think that is where the freedom and peace lie. And 2 weeks in I just feel worse and worse. Rereading this post this morning is very helpful and a great reminder that the peace and freedom come from surrender. Come from focus on God's love. Come from stepping in not checking out. Thank you for everything.


    On Friday, April 1, 2016, Leo Quan said:

    I've been struggling with surrendering forever and reading your post Yurij was really confronting. Yesterday and the day before by God's grace, I finally got it. I was adjusting more people than ever before and had no time or energy to rely on myself anymore. Adjustment after adjustment, I had to call upon God's will, God's power, God's beauty, God's grace. That's how I got through it, that's how I surrendered. That's how I got freedom.

    Thanks Yurij. My patients and I thank you for the message. Leo


    On Wednesday, March 23, 2016, David Covey said:

    Great, authentic post! When I broke my hands a year and a half ago, I remember coming out of the water right away with my mind racing. How would I practice? My vacation is ruined. How am going to get a Locum, pay for a Locum? My four letter words were similar: fear or faith. Was I going to wallow in my fears, or was I going to BELIEVE, choose FAITH, choose to rest in my God as my healer? In the past it was fear. This time it was faith. I chose to live moment by moment, and just trust my Daddy would help me through each step of this experience, and he did. Had a great vacation, got through the first few weeks of practice and pain, and only missed 1 shift, and was blessed with Coach Yurij adjusting for me. All a matter of where I put my trust in the moment.


    On Wednesday, March 23, 2016, Ian Quist said:

    This has been a huge benefit to me Yurij! Thanks for sharing. "The more opportunity we have to pursue fleshly desires, the more bondage is created. Instead of the freedom they promise, we become enslaved to our desires. The more we get, the worse it becomes." I have read this Warrior Wisdom a few times and the quote from above just keeps popping into my head. VERY powerful for me. Thanks.


    On Monday, March 21, 2016, AngelaBarrow said:

    Just in reading your words Yurij, I found freedom. Freedom from whether or not I will get done what I think needs to be done. My freedom is being found in just continually asking God, "What is the next step YOU want me to take?" Bless you Yurij.


    On Saturday, March 19, 2016, Coach Yurij said:

    Thanks for sharing everyone. Larry your comment about a fence as a boundary reminded me of a common parenting principle, one that Marie and I used with our boys. Creating a defined boundary or fence line, allowed them to 'run free' within those boundaries.


    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Steve L said:

    Thanks Yurij for sharing your heart! Lately I have been striving for financial freedom and to be honest, I feel like it has become more of a burden than a blessing. Since reading all the prayer request & sickness going on with other Chiropractors or family members, it opened my eyes that I would love to become financially free. Being able to work because I want to versus having to. I would love to be able to take time off to visit my parents more. I belive God wants the best for me, but I still have to guard my heart against my own self, because my brain start to over think and lead me on cul-de-sac trails way too often.


    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Yves said:

    Great timing for this warrior wisdom. I was just updating my WCPS when I read this and this is one of the # 1 topic on my mind. While I get the wisdom and believe it, making it happen is a real challenge for me but is part of the new narrow in me and finding that narrow gate. The weird thing is that I have plenty of evidence that the Lord provides. I am already so blessed. I thought running was hard. Thanks Yurij!


    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Larry Clements said:

    Having just read Yurij sharing I immediately thought of the contradiction of having a defined boundary by God's Word(like a fence). I have complete freedom knowing the boundary that I surrender to gives me absolute freedom to serve my Lord within that Biblical boundary. A clear,defined boundary actually gives me a consistent daily freedom as I follow Christ's direction. Thank God for the freedom in Christ that surrender to Him brings to our daily lives.


    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Clarise Chan said:

    Wow, this is exactly how my day started after my QT!

    "God what do you want me to do? What do you want me to say? Where do you want me to go?"

    Ended up sitting in the parking lot near TD for half an hour and journaling revelations then driving aimlessly for another half an hour in downtown Toronto, listening to Him speak new revelations into my surroundings. Surrender is complete freedom and I am also learning how to give every part of my life to Him so that I can truly live the NEW life He died for me to have. Thank you Yurij!


    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Denise Tomlin said:

    Total and complete minute to minute SURRENDER is INCREDIBLE FREEDOM!!! Seeking His will and submitting. WOW! That has been my training lately as well. Just to share-- one of my big struggles has been pushing through and doing my will-- performance proving my worth. Recently that has all changed and I have FREEDOM in that area, but still walking out that freedom. My story-- last week had major sciatic pain brought on probably by my coughing and resting to get well-- that pain got REALLY INTENSE during my afternoon shift and I got adjusted which intensified things more and the office was pretty full. I chose to adjust one family of kids who were suffering with fighting sickness and then walked away to ask God "do I stay or do I go? Whatever You say God-- I am willing. I will walk away." As soon as i said those words-- the pain started to subside and I finished my shift and delivered a great report and did the 1 on 1's. MY lesson-- continually ask and seek and Submit to His will. Similar journey and a great lesson! Thanks Yurij!


    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Stephen Lippitt said:

    Thank you Yurij. I appreciate your willingness to be so open in sharing your journey.


    On Friday, March 18, 2016, Angela Given said:

    "Pursue/All I need is You, United" Thank you Yuri-this is huge!


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