From the couch to an Ironman.
How long does it take to properly prepare to compete in an Ironman?
You wouldn't expect that you could take an out of shape body and whip it into shape well enough to compete in an Ironman event in a short period of time.
Expert coaches agree that the average individual should train
consistently for 5 years before attempting their first Ironman.
I would say the average
fairly fit person should train for 5 years before attempting an Ironman.
unfit person should probably take 5 to 10 years to properly prepare the body for a 4 km swim, an 180 km bike and a 42 km run.
Notice I didn't say
complete an Ironman. I said
compete in an Ironman.
Big difference here. But still, really, 5 to 10 years? 8 to 15 hours a week?
Do you want to just complete your life or do you want to compete in your life?
Do you want life just to happen to you and then you die, or do you want to be fully used up by God after years of fulfilling your God given purpose?
My spiritual training these days is to
fully surrender to God's call.
The 40 day challenge I gave to you I am doing myself. You know what? It's tough training. I'm getting quite a bit of victory over the body stuff. I'm celebrating and experiencing joy.
The spiritual training is tougher. Focusing on God and His call over the course of a day is hard.
I find that there are so many distractions but the little victories are so sweet because they bring me closer to Jesus.
Joy comes from close relationships and getting closer to God brings supernatural joy.
As you go about your day surrendered, focus on the Holy Spirit empowering you to stay the course. Don't will it out and tough it out. Instead give it up and let the Holy Spirit take over.
He takes over when you come to the end of you.
As you journal your entries as to how you did the day before, take some time to reflect on how your day went. When you think about the physical lusts that you are fasting from, how did you do?
Where did you have victory and where could you have done better? Celebrate the victories and pray about the failures.
In your work with the Lord yesterday, where did you stay yoked to Him and work along side Him and where did you go off on your own?
Celebrate the victories in what God has done and pray about the places where you still need to improve.
Get into this rhythm of daily reflection, celebration and prayer and commit to it for the long run.
Are you willing to train for the rest of your life to build your relationship with God so that He can fully use you up?
We are not talking 5 to 10 years here, we are talking about the rest of your life.
Are you willing to give up control of your life for a promise of something far greater? Are you willing to be yoked to Jesus and follow His lead?
This is Agape Training. Keep training hard.
Coach Yurij
On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, Brad P said:
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Thank you God for being in the centre of my life!
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Thanks Yurij.
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