Warrior Wisdom

Warrior Wisdom - from Dr. Yurij

Warrior Wisdom

Dr. Yurij provides weekly coaching messages to help you live out your God given purpose.

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  • AdjustmentsBuild

    Wow God is good!

    I have this amazing clutch of people that come in for their adjustments on Tuesday at 3:30.
    It's my first adjustment time of the afternoon and the reception area begins to fill up at around 3.  

    By the time I'm ready to start adjusting, the place is packed and humming along as everyone is visiting and talking.
    The conversations continue as people flow from reception to the hot seats to the adjustment tables. 
    Many of the people know each other because they were friends before and referred each other to my practice.

    Many started care because of our Christmas Card Campaign outreach program. The rest became friends from being patients.

    Since most healing takes time and frequency they have been coming for their adjustments for months, years, and some for decades. 

    This story is about two amazing older ladies that started care in January of this year.
    They were both referred by one couple in my practice with a Christmas card.
    Both patients were experiencing severe symptoms which were greatly hampering their quality of life.
    One suffered with extreme low back pain and the other with severe neck pain and headaches. 

    They were both in phase three of subluxation degeneration  Both were extremely compliant with their care, and both were not getting any better.
    As a matter of interest, one of the patients was significantly worse 3 to 6 months into her care. Her neck pain and headaches had intensified.
    They were both questioning their progress. 

    Then the patients who referred the two ladies pulled me aside one day and shared that both of them were discouraged.  
    They wanted to stop care and were wondering what they should do and why wasn't it working? 

    I know you are thinking that this story was supposed to be about a miracle. Well, the first miracle is that these ladies stuck with their care and that I continued to believe that they could get better. That wasn't easy by the way! 

    Any of you chiropractors out there ready to bail and refer these two ladies for more drugs?

    I reassured the referring patients, and then the two ladies themselves, that all healing takes time and that each adjustment builds on the last one, and that the power that made the body heals the body. The only solution was to keep going and keep up with the adjustments.

    There was no second option. They were already on high doses of dangerous drugs to manage their pain.

    The human body is an incredible creation of God. Two half cells unite at conception. As God breaths life into that one new cell, the DNA mingles and a human being is formed.
    That one cell begins to divide, forms a rudimentary nerve system, and this nerve system orchestrates the development of the entire human body.

    9 trillion cells at birth, 80 to 100 trillion cells as adults.

    Perfection, organization, and adaptation.

    Cells, tissues and organs working in harmony united by the nerve system.
    It says in the Bible that we are miraculously knit together in our mothers womb. God didn't abandon us at birth.
    He placed an incredible power in each one of us (innate intelligence) that continues to run our bodies. This power expresses itself through the nerve system.

    Back to my patients. Now we are 7/8 /9 months into their care plans. I have maintained higher than expected frequency of care.
    In other words, they didn't decrease the frequency of care as expected because they were not responding to care as expected.
    I continue to adjust and encourage, and now I'm stepping up my prayer.
    It's not that I wasn't praying before, but it seems like human nature to pray more or harder when we get to the end of ourselves.
    Over the next few mornings every time I open my Bible the importance of prayer was popping off the pages.
    Old Testament, the Gospels, Paul's letters, all are speaking to the importance of prayer.

    So I begin to pray more.  

    As I enter into my practice and begin to adjust, I pray that His Holy Spirit would work through me, his humble servant, to bring healing to His people. 

    Yesterday one of the ladies is lined up as my first patient and she is sitting up waiting for me. She was just beaming!  
    She had a big smile on her face and excitedly told me that her neck pain and headaches where going away and that she is sleeping through the night.
    Two or three patients later, the other lady tells me that the mobility in her low back has gotten a lot better and that she is able to walk up and down the stairs with a lot less pain.

    All I could say is thank you Jesus!
    Thank you not just because He heals but because He gave me the strength to continue to believe for healing and to persevere for 9 months when the easy way out would have been to stop.

    Lesson learned.  All healing takes time, each adjustment builds on the last, the power that made the body heals the body.  
    God is the ultimate source of all life and all healing. 

    Don't give up and don't give in. 


    Coach Yurij


    On Tuesday, November 3, 2015, Coach Yurij said:

    Ruth, Thank you for your great insight. Looking for and nurturing small improvements is so important. Sounds like you are in good hands at Dr. Covey's office. Here's to starting a joy epidemic.


    On Friday, October 30, 2015, Ruth Neil said:

    Your post was in my news feed this morning. I hope that I'm not intruding by commenting here with a patient's perspective. I will understand if you choose to delete my comment...

    I've been in chiropractic care for 7.5 years now, the first 6 with David Covey. I was a very advanced phase 3 when I started and very, very sick. I have seen the up-and-down process of healing, both in myself and in others. I still have healing to do, but my progress has been amazing and I have my life back.

    One of my keys to success has been attitude. I always see the small improvements, rather than just focusing on the end goal. I give thanks for and celebrate each one. I mark my chiropractic journey by a multitude of stepping stones of hope, gratitude, and joy.

    My suggestion is that you as chiropractors actively encourage this process in your patients to enhance healing. Most people have had it trained out of them by the "big business" medical system. I have spent my years in care listening to other patients and quietly encouraging them in this way -- and it works. There is always some progress to find, but you can't nurture what you don't notice. Encourage your patients to find and celebrate their own stepping stones, no matter how small. Encourage them to encourage each other. Joy is contagious -- why not start an epidemic?


    On Thursday, October 29, 2015, Yurij said:

    Well said David.


    On Thursday, October 29, 2015, David Covey said:

    It is so easy to get discouraged in the moment, when we are pain. As humans we are so impatient. It took years for most of us to grow sick, to lose our health. I love Chiropractic because we get to release the power that God put in the body. Often there can be dramatic improvements in a very short amount of time. But often too, for more damaged areas, it can take some time to undo years of neglect. We overestimate what can be accomplished in a year. We underestimate what can be accomplished over several years. Your body can do amazing things, but it has to do it one cell at a time.


    On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, Brad Norman said:

    Wow, this is awesome Yurij! It's so hard to walk through this with a patient. I know that without years of density growing in Warrior there would be many people in my practice that would be on a much worse path. Thank you. Hope you don't mind if I borrow some of what you have said for a weekly handout - I know many of my peeps need to hear this too!


    On Monday, October 19, 2015, Leo Quan said:

    Thanks for the words of encouragement Yurij! I'm going to pray for my patients, and stick with the plans. I'm letting go of my expectations of when my patients and I should start seeing results.


    On Monday, October 12, 2015, Joshua Nikkanen said:

    Great wisdom Dr. Yuri. These are always the toughest to deal with...great to be encouraged!


    On Sunday, October 11, 2015, Angela Barrow said:

    What encouragement! Thank you Yurij!


    On Friday, October 9, 2015, Franklin Luke said:

    BJ Palmer D.C. "The chiropractic adjustment connects man the physical with man the spiritual".


    On Friday, October 9, 2015, Mark Del Cantero said:

    I have a lady who I had planned to refund her 1 time payment after 6 weeks because she is not improving and constantly complaining about how she is NOT getting better. I'm going to rip the cheque up and start praying for her and get rid of my stinking thinking. Thanks for that encouragement Yurij!!!!


    On Friday, October 9, 2015, Kim Crickmay said:

    Wonderful to read this, Yurij! Thank you. It's easy for me to feel discouraged with a little doubt or push-back from patients. I need to keep persevering - and praying more - and know that all does not rest with me or on me. God is the wonderful creator and restorer of not just bodies but circumstances. What would have happened if my Warrior coaches and family gave up on me after my times of doubt and push-back?! Healing takes time, for certain, and I know that it often happens in the mind and heart before it manifests in the body. It's a hard and wonderful process that God perfectly orchestrates for us.


    On Friday, October 9, 2015, Mark Foullong said:

    Profound! I've learned this lesson more than a time or 2 myself. And it's amazingly reassuring, motivating and inspiring to know that my Coach goes thru it all too. So appreciate just how authentically real and humble you are Yurij! Thanks for this and all you do.


    On Thursday, October 8, 2015, Stephen Lippitt said:

    Awesome share Yurij. I've always held on to the notion that I'll never give up hope for my patients. However, if I was honest with myself, there are times when my head believes it, but my heart has doubted. It's also easy to forget who's really doing the healing. I'll do better at letting go of doubt, and give credit where the credit is due.


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