Warrior Wisdom

Warrior Wisdom - from Dr. Yurij

Warrior Wisdom

Dr. Yurij provides weekly coaching messages to help you live out your God given purpose.

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  • Jun30Thu

    Fuel to Serve: Suffering and Sorrow

    June 30, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom
    We spend most of our lives trying to avoid pain and playing it safe, yet pain and suffering are what lead to transformation.
  • Jun23Thu

    Growth Through Gratitude

    June 23, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom

    Being grateful is a posture that brings JOY into our hearts. Yet whenever we feel we deserve or are entitled to something, it is impossible to be grateful for it.
  • Jun16Thu

    Seize the Day!

    June 16, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom

    It's time to throw open the curtains on today's sunrise and embrace all that God has in store for you!

    Today is a new day full of potential that has never happened before and will never happen again.

  • Jun9Thu

    Train in the Pain

    June 9, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom

    Last summer, I spent many weekends running in Gatineau Park, pushing the envelope a little more each time as the ski season quickly approached. I enjoy training in solitude in the woods where I can be alone with my thoughts, reflect, and think through problems. 

    The trails are challenging and unforgiving, especially because my normal training is centred on heavy resistance training and (ski specific) explosive exercises, not endurance running.

  • May26Thu

    Love is Radical

    May 26, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom

    A few weeks ago I put out the notion that in order to go big in life you have to be a little crazy.
    That was from my own personal daily observations in my own life, from observing Warrior clients breaking through, as well as observing successful leaders in all areas. It was pretty unanimous. The more crazy you get, the bigger you go.
  • May2Mon

    Run With a Purpose!

    May 2, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom
    At Warrior seminars we typically start the day off with some worship time and a run.
    The run is really interesting. It's a bit unusual to run in a business seminar so we get lots of interesting feedback from participants.
  • Apr18Mon

    Is Your 'Yoke' Sunny Side Up Or Scrambled?

    April 18, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom
    Breakthroughs happen as you press in and spend the time training spiritually.
    You cannot expect to have quick victory over the focus points you are working on. Victory most often comes over a long period of training.

  • Apr6Wed

    Freedom Through Training

    April 6, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom

    Last week I discussed surrender and how surrender brings freedom
    Once you get your heart and mind wrapped around that concept and decide that this could be a good idea to pursue, then what?
    How do you and I surrender when so much of what we have known and what the world continues to scream into our ears is the exact opposite?

  • Mar18Fri

    Freedom vs Surrender

    March 18, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom
    Freedom and Surrender.

    They sound like they are mutually exclusive don't they?
    We don't want to surrender but we seem desperate for more freedom. The whole concept of surrender seems foreign in a world where all boundaries are becoming more and more blurred. Besides, even if there is a benefit to surrender, to whom or what and how do I surrender? Surrender sounds like I have to give up my freedom and ultimately I want to be free to do what I want.
  • Mar9Wed

    What Is Your Crazy?

    March 9, 2016
    Filed Under:
    Warrior Wisdom
    I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes people grow.

    By that I mean what is it about an individual that allows them to excel in practice, business, relationships, and I suppose life, in general?
    Why and how can one individual navigate through life with joy and success better than another, regardless of circumstance?